How to prevent it - yeah right. How to move past it - not likely. How to deal with it - ok, maybe. How to understand it - only if you've never asked your doctor any questions at all and if you don't know what Google is.
I guess I'm just looking for more. I have friends who have been through an eerily similar battle and offer me more insight and support than you can even imagine. I have an RE who is gentle and brilliant. I know how to research like only a true academia addict does. And still, I'm left wanting more answers.
I find myself irrationally hoping that eventually Amazon will intuitively suggest (after searching for every combination of the words miscarriage, recurrent, repeat, loss, and causes) a book for me titled Lauren, Here Are All The Answers You've Ever Wanted About Your Fucked Up Body Even Though, To Date, No Legitimate Medical Test Has Discovered Any of The Aforementioned Answers.
And even then, I probably still would spend hours searching Amazon for books that won't ever exist.