Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Another thing to never ask

Don't ask me "are you pregnant?"
Especially if you read this blog or know my history.

Asking someone with IF if they are pregnant is like asking someone with cancer "are you better yet?" You would never pose your concern that way and could you possibly ask a more loaded question? You know there are delicate ways to inquire and that's not one of them. Same thing goes for IF and pregnancy.

Go ahead, ask how I'm feeling. Ask where I am in my treatment. Ask if I have any more information. Ask any of that. Because none of that is an indirect insult.

And if and when I do get pregnant, I will tell you when I'm ready to. I don't have control over any of this, the least you can do is allow me to share any news I might have on my time. Not yours.


  1. It's obvious that someone is a complete idiot. I hate them for you.

  2. I'd like to throatpunch whomever posed this question.

  3. Some people put their "need to know" way above and beyond any one else's right to privacy.
