Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A plan...on hold

I met with my RE last week. We came up with a plan. Yay!
Said plan included moving forward with a medicated cycle along with an IUI (intra-uterine insemination).

I was ecstatic! She wanted to give this every shot of working.

My husband, on the other hand, was completely freaked out. This suddenly just became real for him.

It's been real for me. Through all the blood draws, and appointments, and exams, and miscarriages, and tears. It's always been real.

He's been able to sit along side and attempt to be supportive.

So now we are at a stand off. He's not ready for that much intervention and I can't bear to go on the way we have been. I can't get pregnant again (on our own) knowing that the most likely result is another loss. He can't fathom spending another $2,000 on IF when we can't be promised it will work the way it's supposed to.

We've always been on the same side but at this moment I can't help but feel more alone than I ever have.

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